SYTYCD Canada, the inside scoop!
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Howdy, bloggerinas! Sorry I've been away so long, seeing a live So You Think You Can Dance taping affected me so that I've been recuperating for the past week and a half.
Okay, not really. I've just been busy. But being part of the Live! Studio! Audience! really was a lot of fun. Yeah, there was a lot of standing around, and I felt too old by about 7 years, but they had a comic-type-guy come out while we were standing around, getting various audience members to be ridiculous on stage, and other such tomfoolery. Good times.

And of course, there was the show! Tre Armstrong and Lara (poor Lara!) look even lovelier in person, and Nico... well, Nico is just... sigh. He's so... tall and so... grrrrr! Leah Miller calls everyone "sweetie", but not sarcastically. I know I like to give her crap for not being Cat Deely, but that girl was wearing a frickin' pink spandex dress last week, folks. And she looked tight, so mad respect to her for that. Another person I like to rip is Natalli, for her sometimes overly sexed up routines. But after seeing her, make that her 8-pack from like 30 feet away, I take it all back. If you've got a stomach like that, you've earned the right to show it off wherever and whenever you want.
Tamina and Jesse were both in the audience cheering for their friends, and Jesse at least was great about posing for fan photos. (Tamina might have been too, I wasn't paying much attention). Nice to see that these dancers really are as tight-knit and supportive of each other as they appear to be!
The one negative thing about seeing a live results show is that on TV, after they announce the loser, the show just ends. In real life, you get to watch the eliminated dancers look crushed for a whole 10 minutes afterwards (until you, the audience-sheep, are ushered out, that is). The "losers" cry, the winners cry, Leah cries, and Rex... well, he just keeps chewing his damn gum like the queen he is. But really, it's very, very heartwrenching. (Incidentally, I did NOT agree with the choices... I thought Francis' solo was awesome, and that Danny and Allie should have been the ones to get cut.)
Francis looked SO disappointed and verklempt... everyone kept hugging him. Lara got an extra long hug from Miles (just the friendly kind), and Lisa had those strong silent tears streaming down her face.
In fact, I think Lisa might be the nicest person ever... she came up and hugged 2 fans (not us, sadly) at the end of the show, even though the stage manager types yelled at her not to. She kept saying "I know, I'm sorry, I just have to!" while hugging those 2 girls. What a doll!
Alrighty, I just wanted to pop in and say hi. Turn in tomorrow for my first nail polish review ever!
Labels: cancer, SYTYCD Canada
I think those are randos! We are a bit more to the left (to the left of those giant tall people).
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