Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign Update & a GIVEAWAY!
Hey folks! 2 quick things:
First, I've decided to extend my Comments for a Cure campaign until the end of the month. That means, for every comment made on this blog until October 31st, I will donate $1 to the Canadian Cancer Society, up to a limit of $50. Please note that you don't have to pay a cent to participate in this. Just comment, and *I'll* donate. Easy peasy! My heartfelt thanks to those who have already commented, and please feel free to leave some more comments, because...

1. Make a comment on this blog between now and October 31st. Each comment you make will count as one chance to win! (Limit of one comment per poster per day please)
2. Donate to the Canadian Cancer Society before November 30th by using the ChipIn widget on the sidebar. ChipIn is a secure way to donate -- all you need is a PayPal account or an American credit card. The money gets transferred to me at the end of the campaign, and I'll post the receipt from my donation at the beginning of December. Every dollar you donate counts as TWO chances to win, and of course, there is no limit to how much you can donate! So, if you comment every day between now and October 31st, plus donate $20 for example, you'd have 45 entries in the draw (5 from the comments, and 40 from the donation)!
I will do the draw and announce the winner on December 1st. Due to shipping issues, this contest is only open to Canadian and US readers. Sorry to the folks abroad, it doesn't mean I love you any less!
Hopefully all this isn't too confusing, but I really want to continue to support the cause, even into November. While it is absolutely wonderful that so many bloggers and companies focus on Breast Cancer Awareness during October, our fight against this disease doesn't end when we take down the Halloween decorations. I've seen too many friends and colleagues battle this illness, and I believe that with our efforts, a cure can and will be found.
So yes, I hope there will be lots of comments over the next week, and lots of donations! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments. A great contest for a great prize, all for a great cause!
Bless your generous heart my friend, especially in these strange economic times. Did the donation have to be in U.S though? If it's paypal's fault, curse them.
I donated not sure when it shows up on your chip but I'm so proud of you for doing this.
CW, Thank you!! It doesn't show up on the widget yet, but the ChipIn page does show it. Yes, the donations have to be in US dollars, b/c the ChipIn people are based in the States. Paypal or the credit card will just do the currency exchange after the fact.
Thank you again for your awesome support, as always!!
Thank you! Would love to win! :)
kathemc at gmail dot com
Great giveaway for a great cause.
Thanks so much! I can't wait to try this out! I've heard it's a really good product!
yee underscore family underscore information at yahoo dot com
Thank you a bunch of flowers! That's what my daughter says.
forevertwentyfour at inbox dot com
Do people really respond once a day then come back the next day and respond again? Hmmm.... sounds like a one of those professional contests.... if only there was a way to write checks there.. I could probably send a check there....
sugar dot lemon93 at gmail dot com
can you donate with someone elses' name on it?
ry2011 at mail dot com
spamisafish at gmx dot com
You're so kind and thoughtful for giving this contest, thanks so much! I truly thing that this entire community (beauty blogs) are going over the top to support breast cancer and I really think it's wonderful!
So glad we can work together to raise awareness!
Thank you all for your comments!
Joanne, that's so cute!
Sugar.Lemon, I'm not sure, no one has left multiple comments yet. But I'm leaving the option open, to sort of level the playing field a bit for those who donate, vs. those who can't or don't want to for whatever reason. Of course, donating is still the way to get the best chances of winning. ;)
I'm afraid ChipIn doesn't allow checks, since the money has to be transferred to me, and then from me to the Canadian Cancer Society. So, it's easiest to do that all electronically, I guess. But, if you have PayPal and a checking account, you can use PayPal to contribute on the ChipIn widget. :)
Reana, I'm not sure what you mean. I think ChipIn requires you to put your name on your contribution, since it takes your Credit Card or PayPal info. But if you mean that you want to donate, but "give" your chances to win to someone else, we can arrange that, just email me.
Jana, thank you, that means a lot! It's nice when we can do something for a bigger purpose. ;)
This is awesome! I enjoy your site and the reviews.
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