My disappearing act, Crazy Rumors Lipbalm, and a bunch of other things
Hi hi friends. How have you been? Sorry for my prolonged absence from this here blog. I haven't forgotten about you all, I am just crazily trying to finish The Thing That Shall Not Be Mentioned (Volde-Thesis TM). Hence this 4 AM post, because I just needed to stop with the crazy for a sec, you know?
Big breath.
Okay! So. I hope you have all had wonderful Christmasses and New Yearsses or whatever festive event you and yours celebrate. (Decemberween for me!) I had a really nice New Years... rather low key, which is a change for me. The Boy and I made a nice dinner at home (well, I made it, but he was all over the moral support bit) and then went out for a couple of drinks. It felt a bit weird to not wake up on New Year's day all cotton-mouthed and bleary. Weird and novel, but nice.
Slightly disconcerting news: I have been cooking. It's true. Rack of Lamb (New Year's dinner), pork chops, mussels, yam fries, shepherd's pie... I even made a curry the other night. (It was mostly from a can, but still.) It's all tasted fine and dandy so far, but I think I'm scaring Roomie.
Right. In my current dazed state, I'm not really in any position to give a proper review about anything. But I do want to say some words about Crazy Rumors lipbalm. I first found out about this line from Chaptastic (of course!) and after reading their glowing review of the sticks, I simply had to get my hands on some (notice the plural) to try.

These beyond-awesome balms come in 2 categories: Brew and Perk. The Brew half smell like various types of teas, while the Perk ones come in coffee-inspired scents. Caffeine AND lipbalm? Dude. It's like, destiny.
Okay, so these are not *actually* caffeinated, but they still give me those happy shivers just like the happy shivers I get when I take my first sip of that XL cuppa joe in the mornings. After much deliberation, I chose 2 scents: Apple Spice and Mocha.

Apple Spice is a dead ringer for a steamy cup of apple cider. The fruit and spice elements are nicely balanced, which I like as I am not a huge cinnamon fan. If you are like me, rest assured that this smells exactly like the aromatic beverage, and not any obnoxious faux-cinnamon stick shoved under your nose. It is just very slightly sweet, but the fun is all in the scent.

Mocha is another nice pick. It nails the coffee part of the equation perfectly, and the chocolate part isn't too bad either. It's got a teeeeny tiny hint of that artificialness that I get from every other mocha-scented product I've tried, but it's the smallest amount I've detected yet, and it doesn't really detract from my enjoyment of the balm.
The smell of these balms, while yummy, is not overpowering, which is great because I can't stop putting the stuff on. Not because I need to... the glide & moisturizing power is even better than of the mightyLabello's, and rivals the Neutrogena Lip Moisturizer, in my opinion. Besides, the scents are like 142x more fun and delicious. Re-applying these babies is like a ray of tasty sunshine in my currently twitchy and frantic world.
Naturally, no sooner than I hop on the Crazy Rumors love-wagon do I find out that my source for these luscious sticks in Toronto (Blossom Bath & Body) will no longer carry these after they sell out of their current stock. And I am uber bummed, because the scent that I most wanted to try, Orange Bergamot, is all sold out. Bastards! (Just kidding Blossom, you are still lovely. But you'd be lovelier if you'd re-stock...) [EDIT: Edie from Crazy Rumors has confirmed that Blossom will indeed be restocking these lipbalms. Rejoice with me!]
So yeah, I am totally in love with these. They also happen to be vegan if that is important to you, although they don't have an SPF. Anyway, if I ever finish this disaster that is the Volde-Thesis (TM), I will go and pick out a few more flavours, as a reward or maybe an anti-depressant, depending. Plum-Apricot also smelled yummy, as did the Hazelnut and Amaretto varieties. Oh heck, they were all good. Hang on my lovlies, I'm comin'!
And YOU, darling readers! You hang on too ... I'll be back for real soon, I promise! In the mean time, stay classy, San Diego.
Jittery hugs,
Labels: crazy rumors, lips